Paris aims to use Flying Taxis to 2024 Olympics
Paris aims to beat 2024 Olympic traffic with autonomous flying taxis.
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Paris aims to beat 2024 Olympic traffic with autonomous flying taxis.
Uber gets NASA to create 200mph electric flying taxis by 2020.
Dubai starts Volocopter autonomous passenger vehicle tests, in bid to become first city with flying taxis.
Airbus is developing a self-piloted flying taxi for commuters, to be ready for production by 2020.
Airbus Group is working on the dream of all commuters and travelers: to fly over traffic jams at the push of a button.
SeaBubbles electric hydrofoil water taxis, you can find them this summer Paris.
VoloCity air taxis are authorized to take flight in Paris during the 2024 Olympic Games.
Vertical Aerospace has backing from Virgin Atlantic, Rolls-Royce and others to build a fleet of 1,000 flying cars.
Uber shows off the first look at prototypes for its self-flying taxi.
The electric SeaBubble is autonomous during its rides and is charging while stationed at the Dock.