Self-inflating Electric Powered SUP board
Sipa self-inflating stand up paddleboards, powered by a small electric jet.
Sipa self-inflating stand up paddleboards, powered by a small electric jet.
The Loon Copter multi-rotor drone, successfully demonstrate flight, operation on the surface of water, as well as diving. Watch it on the video…
As you can see at this periodic table, hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang.
An introductory guide to the Flat Earth movement (!), starting with the Copernicus theory in 1514, false confirmation in 1957…
“7-Minute Miracle.” A behind the scenes video, with the Shinkansen bullet train cleaning crew, by Dateline Tokyo journalist Charli James, filming their amazing turnaround…
As a fire making method the guy in the video, chooses the way our very old ancestors used…
Watch in the video a robot solving the Rubik’s Cube in just one second!
The ‘Speedmax WHR’ custom made bicycle for Alex Dowsett, to attempt to maintain a speed above 52 km/h for one hour.
A visually stunning video from The Chemical Brothers, by directors Dom & Nic, with unbelievable visual effects by The Mill…
This stunning short sequence zooms in on the open young cluster of stars, Trumpler 14, one of the largest gatherings of hot, massive and bright stars in