Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
Harvey is now the Wettest Tropical Storm in US
Harvey broke the record for wettest tropical storm in U.S. history.
Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
Harvey broke the record for wettest tropical storm in U.S. history.
NASA astronaut Jack Fischer photographed Hurricane Harvey from the cupola module aboard the Space Station, on August 25, 2017.
Guy captures huge lightning striking his backyard…
Japanese researchers send a high-tech camera into the Mariana Trench, at a record-breaking 8,178 m below the surface, to capture a snailfish…
Six people witnessed the umbra, the moon’s shadow of the August 21 total eclipse, from space.
Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have skyrocketed over the last 100 years, threatening our existence.
Video captured in 2016 shows a symmetrical 50 feet in diameter circle of ice, in a river in Omsk Oblast, in central Russia…
Earth’s largest volcanic region two kilometers below Antarctic ice sheet, discovered.
66 million years ago, there was a last day for the dinosaurs. Then, a piece of the sky fell to Earth…
Stunning supercomputer simulations reveal how ocean currents move around the world.