Arque- Artificial Biomimicry-inspired Tail
Arque artificial biomimicry-inspired tail for extending innate body functions.
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Arque artificial biomimicry-inspired tail for extending innate body functions.
Saarbrücken research team uses artificial muscles to develop an air conditioner for the future.
Experience the first of its kind robotic exoskeleton, to superpower your knees during alpine skiing and snowboarding.
Honda’s Stride Management Assist robolegs, assist personal mobility, based on the walking pattern of the user.
Orpheus exoskeletal exercise device for space, inspired from aerial dancers and ballets.
3D printed Archelis wearable chair, lets you sit while you’re standing! Watch the video…
Researchers at Columbia University have developed a new method to capture energy from evaporating water.
If you cannot sleep try the 4-7-8 breathing technique that claims to help you sleep in one minute. Watch the video…
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