SpaceX Starship “User Guide”
SpaceX’s Starship system represents a fully reusable transportation system designed to service Earth orbit needs as well as missions to the Moon and Mars.
New Global Groundwater Maps released
Using measurements from two satellite missions assimilated into a computer model, researchers have created global maps of terrestrial water around the planet.
James Webb Space Telescope Full Mirror Deployment
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope fully deployed its primary mirror into the same configuration it will have when in space, in a recent test.
Evidence for an Ancient Rainforest in Antarctica
Evidence for a 90-million-year-old rainforest near the South Pole, in Antarctica.
Apple releases Coronavirus app and website
Apple releases Coronavirus app and website offering up-to-date guidance and information for people across the US.
Learmousine street-legal limo
This 42-foot long by 8-foot wide, Candy Red Limo-Jet, created on a Learjet fuselage.
Astronaut urine could help build Moon Bases
Astronaut urine could be a building material for future Moon or Mars bases.
Space mission will study causes of giant Solar Particle Storms
A new NASA SunRISE mission will study causes of giant Solar particle storms, giant surges of solar particles that erupt off of the Sun.
Stratolaunch Talon-A Hypersonic vehicle
Stratolaunch reveals Talon-A hypersonic vehicles, to be launched from the ‘Carrier’ huge dual-fuselage plane.
Bill Gates makes predictions about the Coronavirus
Bill Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, weighs in on the Coronavirus pandemic.