Artificial Intelligence- Mankind’s Last Invention
Artificial Intelligence: Mankind’s last invention?
Audi Patrone Police Drone
Audi Patrone Police Drone, a 4-rotor quadcopter that looks straight out of future.
Inside The Most Precise Atomic Clock in the World
From his basement lab in Boulder, Colorado, physicist Jun Ye and his team have built the world’s most precise atomic clock.
7 Simple Riddles to Test your Brain Power
These 7 puzzles will trick your brain. Take this fun test to check the sharpness and productivity of your brain…
Fighter Jets low pass over Arizona State Capitol
F-35 and F-16 formation as seen from a helicopter, doing Arizona State Capitol flyover…
The New Worlds that NASA has been visiting for 60 years
The new and strange worlds that NASA has visited for 60 years, in a very interesting infographic.
Sculptural Hall in China
Zhanghua Architects created this sculptural hall in China, inspired by mountain and flowing water, by ‘yin and yang.’
Holden Time Attack Concept racer
GM Holden’s Design Team has explored the technological potential of the future through the stunning ‘Time Attack Concept’ racer.
How we will Colonise the Moon
This video explains how we will colonise the Moon…
How Deep can you Possibly Dig?
Do you remember that absolutely divine feeling you had as a child when you were digging in wet sand at the beach? Deeper and deeper…