wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
The Black Hole Bomb and Black Hole Civilizations
Watch at the video the Black Hole bomb and Black Hole civilizations…
wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
Watch at the video the Black Hole bomb and Black Hole civilizations…
The evolution of ‘Indonesian fish people.’ They can dive 230ft and hold their breath for 13 minutes.
This animation shows the structure of matter at smaller and smaller scales. Zooming into a human hair, we pass through hair cells…
209 seconds that will make you question your entire existence…
Take a look at the Aspirin journey through the body.
Amazing Southern Milky Way 60 min interval from Australia’s Siding Spring Observatory.
In this animation a breathtaking low 3-D flyover Jupiter’s north pole central cyclone and the eight cyclones that encircle it.
The New Zealand government just announced that will no longer grant any new offshore oil exploration permits.
Stonehenge’s giant monoliths were ‘in place long before humans arrived’ and prehistoric people created monument around them.
Take a virtual tour of the Moon in all-new 4K resolution, thanks to data provided by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.