A new species of Flower in 100-million-year-old amber discovered
Scientists discovered a new species of flower astonishingly well preserved in 100-million-year-old amber.
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Scientists discovered a new species of flower astonishingly well preserved in 100-million-year-old amber.
New type of atomic clock is less than a tenth of a second out after 14 Billion years, accurate.
Scientists detected radio bursts emanating from the constellation Boötes, that could be the first radio emission collected from a planet beyond our solar system.
Scientists discovered a superhighway through our Solar System that can lead to much faster space travel.
Dec. 11, 2020, marks the 50th anniversary of NASA’s Langley Research Center’s 14×22-foot Subsonic Wind Tunnel.
The 1749 Amsterdam shipwreck will be transformed into an impressive underwater museum.
Expedition finds record number of fishes in abyssal deep-sea, in a large region stretching nearly from Hawaii to Mexico.
Scientists defy nature to make a diamond at room temperature, that’s harder than a jeweler’s.
TU Delft maritime Hydrogen-powered VTOL drone flies longer and greener, over land and water, and can land almost anywhere.
Peel-off coating makes desalination tech more efficient, cleaner and greener.