Canada’s new giant Radio Telescope ready to explore
The giant Canadian CHIME 100m long ‘half-pipe’ radio telescope, that could help explain dark energy and gravitational waves, is ready to explore.
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The giant Canadian CHIME 100m long ‘half-pipe’ radio telescope, that could help explain dark energy and gravitational waves, is ready to explore.
A new solar cell inspired by the compound eyes of insects could help scientists overcome a major roadblock to their development.
High-speed X-Ray laser gun will help scientists to make movies of molecules in motion.
Scientists created carbon nanotube yarn that generate power when pulled.
Japanese researchers send a high-tech camera into the Mariana Trench, at a record-breaking 8,178 m below the surface, to capture a snailfish…
Video captured in 2016 shows a symmetrical 50 feet in diameter circle of ice, in a river in Omsk Oblast, in central Russia…
Stunning supercomputer simulations reveal how ocean currents move around the world.
A perfectly preserved new species of dinosaur discovered by researchers in Canada.
For the first time in the U.S. scientists have demonstrated they can efficiently improve the DNA of human embryos.
Secrets of the baffling tardigrades revealed by their DNA, on their origins and the genes that underlie their extraordinary ability to survive in extreme conditions.