Electricity Generating Smart windows
Smart windows are now able to filter out the sun’s rays, but also to produce electricity.
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Smart windows are now able to filter out the sun’s rays, but also to produce electricity.
In the video a selection of gigantic crashing waves, as typhoon Megi slammed into Taiwan. The biggest ever caught on camera?…
Very bad news for all of us: We will not survive another 1,000 years on Earth, says Stephen Hawking.
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NASA’s physics-defying EM Drive has officially passed peer review and it shows that the system may work.
EcoHelmet is a foldable, vendable, recyclable helmet designed for bike.
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This futuristic drone-powered hammock, unfortunately it’s not real. It’s just a visual effect…
Your brain does its best to inform you about the world around you, but sometimes it gets tricked…