Testing a giant Mars mission Supersonic Parachute
The largest parachute ever to fly on a Mars mission has been deployed in the first of a series of tests.
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The largest parachute ever to fly on a Mars mission has been deployed in the first of a series of tests.
The P3 underwater robot has an ultra-wide angle lens, that can capture 20-Megapixel underwater photos and 4K HD footage.
Take a look at this video SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket on the launch pad, getting closer to launching.
Elon Musk revealed new images of the almost ready Falcon Heavy Rocket.
Lockheed Martin and Aerion just announced a partnership to develop the world’s first supersonic business jet.
Elon Musk: “SpaceX propulsion just achieved first firing of the Raptor interplanetary transport engine.”
Scaled announced the first flight of its most recent project inspired by supersonic X-plane, the experimental aircraft Model 401.
First ever manned test flight for PassengerDrone. Amazing performance, stability and pilot satisfaction…
U-Boat Worx Cruise 5 submarine that can reach 1,700 meters of depth, is the deepest diving five-person private submersible on the market.
The ground test stand and revolutionary aerospike engine for the Demonstrator 3 rocket, are ready for tests.