Astronauts grown Beef in space for the first time
Astronauts grown beef in space for the first time, with the help of a 3D printer, but they admit that the taste ‘needs to be improved.’
Astronauts grown beef in space for the first time, with the help of a 3D printer, but they admit that the taste ‘needs to be improved.’
A rare, unusual diamond with another diamond moving freely inside, was mined in Yakutia at the Nyurba mining and processing division of Alrosa.
Saturn surpasses Jupiter after the discovery of 20 new moons and you can now help name them.
Swiss scientists Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, along with Canadian-American James Peebles, have been jointly awarded the Nobel Physics Prize for their work in cosmology.
Origami, a centuries old art of folding paper to achieve particular aesthetics, is inspiring a plethora of new engineering designs.
The Ocean Cleanup the Dutch non-profit organization, successfully catches plastic in Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
This video shows short instruction of making unique bicycle with running shoes instead of wheels!
Customized horn and movement sounds coming to Teslas electric cars soon.
Salome Yachts Atlantic Tender is a 60 knot sports boat inspired by the Bugatti Type 57SC.
NASA’s X-57 Maxwell, the agency’s first all-electric X-plane, is delivered to NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, in its Mod II configuration.