Brabus Shadow 900 Black Ops Boat
Packed with technical innovation and blistering performance at heart, the new Brabus Shadow 900 Spyder speedboat, in full-open version, for pure, unadulterated driving pleasure.
Galactic Cosmic Ray Simulator
NASA is building a Galactic Cosmic Ray Simulator to study space radiation faced by astronauts.
Mirror Universe created at the same time as the Big Bang
Scientists by observing mysterious particles in Antarctica, may have spotted a parallel Universe where time runs backward.
Spot Robot Dog is Herding Sheep
The use of autonomous robots in agriculture just started and increases the efficiency of food production.
Telescope sees signs of Planet Birth
ESO Telescope sees signs of planet birth. The observed feature could be the first direct evidence of a baby planet coming into existence.
McLaren Segestria Borealis 600LT Spider
McLaren Segestria Borealis 600LT Spider supercar is inspired by an actual arachnid, is aggressively aerodynamic and obsessively light.
Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Milky Way
Earth’s Moon, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter were all imaged together, just before sunrise, photographed by Mihail Minkov, from the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria.
First look at Apple’s AR Glasses
Apple’s AR Glasses… Design, name, price, release date, and more.
Journey into a Cosmic Reef
This science visualization presents the dramatic landscape of two nebulas in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
New Plant-Based Plastic Degrades in 1 year
A based in Netherlands company creates new plant-based plastic, degradable in just one year.