The Ultimate Dashboard Quiz
Test your car knowledge. This quiz will test you on how well you know your car’s dashboard and all its warning/hazard symbols…
Inside the Tiny Ecosystems in Glaciers
Glaciers might look like just lifeless frozen wastelands, but they are not! There are unique ecosystems hidden inside of them.
LIFE – Official Trailer #2
LIFE. We were better off alone…
8 beautiful, weird, and scary things Ice can do
Frozen water molecules don’t seem to be all that interesting. But, these 8 weird things that ice can do are truly mind-boggling…
Advanced Robotic Bat can Fly like the Real One
Scientists created an autonomous flying robot that mimics the flight characteristics of real bats…
Drinking pure water under the sea
Scubar simple concept allows divers to drink pure water under the sea.
China is now the Biggest Solar Energy producer
China is now the world’s largest solar power producer, its capacity more than doubles in 2016.
Antarctica’s Changing Larsen Ice Shelf
The Larsen Ice Shelf is situated along the northeastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the fastest-warming places on the planet.
Black Hole Meal Sets Record for Duration and Size
A supermassive black hole in a small galaxy 1.8 billion light years away, has been partaking in a decade-long binge of a star.
The Liquid Blob House of the Future
This futuristic conceptual design based on biogenetic forms, could be the family home of tomorrow.