The latest progress on renewable energy.
Global Energy Efficiency
Controlling and reducing energy consumption has become a priority of governments around the world in recent years. Take a look at this interesting infographic…
The latest progress on renewable energy.
Controlling and reducing energy consumption has become a priority of governments around the world in recent years. Take a look at this interesting infographic…
Australian farm grows 17,000 tons of vegetables every year in the desert, using only sun and seawater.
A new glow-in-the-dark bicycle path in Poland, is charged by the Sun.
Sometimes when we’re at home, we like to relax and we’re not really thinking about the amount of energy we’re using. Watch this interesting infographic about energy
Impressive infographic showing the exact area required to power California with 100% renewable energy.
Solar-Powered Pipe concept, proposed during the design competition Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI), desalinates seawater.
LightSaver Max is a light, portable solar charger, with an integrated battery to charge your devices anywhere, anytime.
World’s largest offshore wind farm to be built in the UK.
On August 8, humanity used up nature’s budget for the entire year.
Take a look at this flaming wind turbine, in Coimbatore, India…