How phases of the moon can affect your sleep
Can lunar cycles play a part in how you sleep? A new study shows that In the days leading up to a full moon, people sleep for
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Can lunar cycles play a part in how you sleep? A new study shows that In the days leading up to a full moon, people sleep for
Scientists created a new lens that can change focus without tilting or moving.
Scientists are ready to start testing the fuel for the giant new fusion reactor ITER.
Earth’s magnetic field flipped 42,000 years ago, creating dramatic consequences.
United Airlines just ordered $1 billion worth of eVTOL Air Taxis, to launch intra-city passenger flights in 2024.
Scientists find that some sperms poison their competitors to reach the egg cell first.
Printed electronics embedded in a paper created loudspeaker with 360° surround sound.
Scientists confirm that the speed of ice loss is increasing and our planet is losing 1.3 trillion tonnes a year.
The coronavirus pandemic potentially generated the largest single-year decline in US life expectancy in at least 40 years.
Hybrid-Electric plane concept may reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 95 percent, aviation’s air pollution problem.