Using the Sun to create the ultimate Space Telescope
Scientists using the sun wants to create the ultimate Space Telescope, based on gravitational microlensing.
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Scientists using the sun wants to create the ultimate Space Telescope, based on gravitational microlensing.
An ambitious plan to recreate Mars’ atmosphere and make conditions more hospitable for human life, using giant magnetic shield.
A new NASA’s website lets the public search for new worlds in the outer reaches of our solar system and in neighboring interstellar space.
Astronomers at NASA finds planets of red dwarf stars may face oxygen loss in habitable zones.
A supermassive black hole in a small galaxy 1.8 billion light years away, has been partaking in a decade-long binge of a star.
Hubble captures brilliant star death in “Rotten Egg” nebula
Astronomers confirmed first alien world 25 years ago today.
Astronomers get first look at new, extremely rare galaxy, that doesn’t look quite like anything have observed before.
‘Alien’ weird radio bursts are coming from a neutron star in a galaxy far, far away.
Astronomers created the largest-ever 3D map of the Universe, containing a record-breaking 1.2 million galaxies, to study the properties of dark energy.