Ferrari SP48 Unica
Ferrari SP48 Unica a new one-off from Maranello, designed to a client’s brief.
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Ferrari SP48 Unica a new one-off from Maranello, designed to a client’s brief.
Mercedes-AMG collaboration with innovator and global star reaches a new level: reimagined vehicle collaboration revealed in Miami during Formula 1™ Grand Prix USA Weekend.
An unmanned medium-sized helicopter drone for building routes and delivering small cargo.
The next Wrangler. Classic Jeep model gets a makeover by designer Arjun Kurunji.
Deepseaker is the first hydrofoil boat, that can also explore underwater worlds as a submarine .
An intense heat wave in mid- and late April 2022 brought temperatures 4.5 to 8.5°C (8 to 15°F) above normal in east, central, and northwest India.
Seventh generation of the BMW 7 Series includes the first ever all-electric i7 xDrive60 producing 536 horsepower and 300-mile range.
Nexus extreme luxury 9-person submarine, brings panoramic views to underwater exploration.
Time might not exist, according to physicists and philosophers – but that’s okay.
The new Hill HX50 ‘world’s first private helicopter,’ designed specifically for private owners, is hitting the skies in 2023.