Ozone Hole over Antarctic the is the largest in recent years
The ozone hole over the Antarctic that was first spotted in 1985, is one of the largest of recent years.
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The ozone hole over the Antarctic that was first spotted in 1985, is one of the largest of recent years.
In the featured video, listen for stars and dust sounding off the famous Eagle nebula, as the line of sonification moves left to right, with vertical position
Scientists developing a compact version of a nuclear fusion reactor, have shown that it should work and finally mimicking the way the sun produces energy.
Solar Cycle 25 has begun. NASA, NOAA scientists explain what that means.
Scientists say exoplanets circling carbon-rich stars could be made of diamond and silica.
High in the clouds of Venus, scientists have made the discovery of a gas called phosphine, and this could point to an ‘aerial’ extra-terrestrial life.
Transparent solar panels on windows hit record 8% efficiency, could take a bite out of a building’s electricity needs.
This stunning image depicts a small section of the Cygnus supernova blast wave, while appearing as a delicate and light veil draped across the sky,
Deep shadows create dramatic contrasts between light and dark in this high-resolution close-up of the Martian surface.
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