Where Day becomes Night on Earth
Stunning photo from Space Station (ISS) reveals where day becomes night on our blue planet.
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Stunning photo from Space Station (ISS) reveals where day becomes night on our blue planet.
The mystery of why Earth has so much water, allowing our “blue marble” to support an astounding array of life, is clearer with new research into comets.
Astronomers using a new method to find small planets orbiting nearby stars, which previous surveys had overlooked, discovered 18 Earth-sized exoplanets.
Scientists now think a dwarf planet or a second moon smashed into the far side of the Moon and caused big craters.
Why are these 96 million black balls in LA’s reservoir?
The International Space Station crew photographed the waxing crescent moon just above Earth’s limb and the bluish hue of the atmosphere at the beginning of an orbital
The energy autonomous vessel ‘UFO 1.2’ unidentified floating object, a saucer-like floating object with underwater viewing area.
Saturn’s rings and Μoons. The large circular object in the center of the image is Titan. The bright surrounding ring is atmospheric haze above Titan,…
New machine ready to see if magic metal Lithium, can help bring the fusion that lights the stars to Earth
Scientists on the airborne observatory SOFIA detected the first type of molecule that ever formed in the universe.