How to Move the Sun
Scientist designs ‘Caplan Thruster,’ a bizarre spacecraft to drag the entire solar system across the Milky Way!
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Scientist designs ‘Caplan Thruster,’ a bizarre spacecraft to drag the entire solar system across the Milky Way!
NASA’s SDO have just seen a new kind of magnetic explosion on Sun.
The Sun is revealing itself in dramatic detail and shedding light on how other stars may form and behave throughout the universe – all thanks to NASA’s
Bill Gates-backed startup called Heliogen, that just achieved with artificial intelligence algorithm, to concentrate solar energy exceeding temperatures greater than 1,000 degrees Celsius.
On November 11, Mercury will cross the face of the Sun. Called a transit, the last time this happened was in 2016. Watch the rare phenomenon, that
Striking gamma ray image from NASA’s Fermi Space Telescope shows Moon glowing brighter than Sun.
Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of dust into the stratosphere to dim the sun and stop global warming.
Planetary Society launched its crowdfunded LightSail 2 spacecraft on June 25 and expanded its solar sail.
An astounding image captured when the International Space Station crosses a spotless Sun.
The Earth is perfectly spaced from the Sun, in Habitable Zone, to allow life to function on this planet, but what if the Earth drifted away from