Hard Drives will soon provide over 40TB
Western Digital unveils next-generation technology in magnetic recording, to preserve and access the next decade of big data.
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Western Digital unveils next-generation technology in magnetic recording, to preserve and access the next decade of big data.
No one is completely sure where did the gold originate. The relative average abundance in our Solar System appears higher than can be made in the early
Mitsubishi unveils EMIRAI 4 electric smart mobility concept car, with next-generation driving-assistance technology.
Nuon Solar Team, once more, is the world champion of Solar Car racing.
Doomed neutron stars whirl toward their demise, creating blast of light and gravitational waves, in this stunning animation.
Thanks to Geoengineering, world’s first negative emissions power plant turns CO2 into stone.
Scaled announced the first flight of its most recent project inspired by supersonic X-plane, the experimental aircraft Model 401.
Dubai announced that it plans to add quadcopter hoverbikes to its police fleet.
Dawn brings the sight of Dream Chaser reusable spacecraft, as it sits on the runway at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC).
The Quiksilver Highline Airlift vest is designed for use by experienced adult surfers.