Joby S4 Air Taxi hits 205 mph
Joby S4 air taxi hits 205 mph flying faster and further than any eVTOL to date
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Joby S4 air taxi hits 205 mph flying faster and further than any eVTOL to date
Hill Helicopters created HX50 next-gen cost-effective aircraft, pioneering in design for the 21st century.
The H2 Clipper hydrogen-powered airship, designed to operate in the presently unaddressed market space between cargo shipping and air freight.
The Macrobat can be piloted by a person, remotely piloted with a passenger, or remotely piloted with cargo only.
The new two-seater V12 coupé BR20 is the latest arrival from Ferrari’s Special Projects Program.
The HT Aero’s dual car/eVTOL concept will have retractable wings, could be in the skies by 2024.
ESO images some of the biggest asteroids in our Solar System, using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) in Chile
Airbus’ solar-powered aircraft Zephyr completes two 18-day flights in the stratosphere over the US.
Autonomous Ekranoplans: The next evolution that harnesses the aerodynamic principal of Ground Effect.
Aquas EP-15 Ekranoplan a marine ground-effect craft for high-speed passenger and cargo transportation.