Solar Powered smart palm trees
Solar powered smart palm trees charging points also provide Dubai with WiFi.
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Solar powered smart palm trees charging points also provide Dubai with WiFi.
Scientists created new fabrics that are highly flexible, tougher than metals, and have a wide range of potential applications.
Humans produced 9.1 billion tons of plastic since 1950. This is enough to cover Manhattan in two miles of waste.
The Mini Moke Amphibious Lazareth with its 4-wheel drive, is fun and accessible beach car.
First successful Hyperloop full systems test proves that Hyperloop is real.
The Chairless Chair exoskeleton structure supports factory workers.
T-pod electric self-driving vehicle can be remotely controlled by drivers.
Geophysicists by taking a deep dive into our planet’s core 3000 kilometers below surface, created high-definition 3D simulations of the magnetic field.
Astronomers discovered 10 near-Earth size exoplanets orbiting in their star’s habitable zone, which is the range of distance from a star where liquid water could pool on
Driverless TGV, the idea seems straight out of a science fiction scenario. Self-driving train, soon on the rails in France.