Earth is losing 1.3 trillion tonnes of Ice a year
Scientists confirm that the speed of ice loss is increasing and our planet is losing 1.3 trillion tonnes a year.
Scientists confirm that the speed of ice loss is increasing and our planet is losing 1.3 trillion tonnes a year.
ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft has discovered several ponds of liquid water buried under the ice in the south polar region of Mars.
NASA’s infrared eyes detected evidence of fresh ice on one of Saturn’s Moon, Enceladus.
Observations from 11 satellite missions monitoring the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have revealed that the regions are losing ice six times faster than they were in
What lies beneath? BedMachine: Scientists create a high-precision map of Antarctic ice sheet bed topography.
NASA releases treasure map with ‘water ice’ just below the surface of Mars, for future astronauts.
Scientists confirm that dust from a giant asteroid crash, some 460 million years ago, caused an ancient ice age.
New computer model simulations on melting icebergs, show effect of delay Southern Hemisphere future warming.
High levels of microplastics found in snow in remote Arctic, for the first time.
This new NASA/UC Irvine map of ice velocity in Antarctica is 10 times more accurate than any previous map.