Earth glowing in Ultraviolet (UV) Light- historic image
This unusual false-color historic image shows how the Earth glows in ultraviolet (UV) light.
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This unusual false-color historic image shows how the Earth glows in ultraviolet (UV) light.
A box similar to a Wi-Fi router, in your home, will soon track all kinds of physiological signals as you move from around: breathing, heart rate, sleep
Spectacular images featuring the fluttering auroras at the north pole of Saturn, by NASA/ESA Hubble Space telescope.
NASA unveiled latest tests of futuristic ion propulsion system, that uses electric and magnetic fields to produce thrust, could take man to Mars.
An analysis in a cave in China unveiled clues when the Earth’s magnetic field flipped back and forth, in a geological blink.
Astronomers detect for the first time possible extrasolar planetary-mass, at boundary between giant planet and brown dwarf.
Each and every day NASA’s SDO observes our Sun and relays observational data to scientists, in an effort to understand the causes of solar variability and its
Scientists using an innovative technique, discovered a new type of magnetic event in our near-Earth environment.
For the first time, scientists have ground and satellite views of ‘Steve,’ a thin purple ribbon of light, a new aurora. Watch it on the video…
The magnetic field of the Sun operates on a 22 year cycle. It takes 11 years for the orientation of the field to flip between the northern