Extraterrestrial origin of Fast Radio Burst confirmed
In this artist’s impression three bright red flashes depicting Fast Radio Bursts, far beyond the Milky Way, above the Mongolo radio telescope in Australia.
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In this artist’s impression three bright red flashes depicting Fast Radio Bursts, far beyond the Milky Way, above the Mongolo radio telescope in Australia.
Around 250 million measurements taken by ESA’s CryoSat over the last six years, have been used to create a unique 3D view of Antarctica.
21 different types of 130-million-year-old dinosaur footprints have been discovered on the “Australia’s Jurassic Park.”
Recent observations are providing new clues about what happens when a black hole devours a star.
Scientists switch on world’s largest ‘artificial sun’ in German lab.
A new type of Li-Fi reached 40 Gbps, 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
Photographer Carla Thomas on a Supersonic Flight, to help engineers further the study of shockwaves.
NASA has just confirmed that biofuels reduce jet engine pollution.
World’s first fluorescent frog discovered in near Santa Fe in Argentina.
Scientist manage to 3D-print American classic cheese, producing a slightly different product.