Sierra Nevada reveals spacious Inflatable Prototype Module
Sierra Nevada reveals spacious prototype inflatable module for Orbital Moon Station.
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Sierra Nevada reveals spacious prototype inflatable module for Orbital Moon Station.
Scientists took images of habitable planet Earth and transformed them into what alien astronomers light-years away would see.
NASA map shows how carbon monoxide has risen in atmosphere from Aug 8-22, caused by Amazon rain-fores fires.
The interior of the new Porsche Taycan. A dashboard designed for drivers and a sporty seating position. Digital, clear, sustainable.
Engineers created wireless wearable health monitor that uses stretchable electronics.
Striking gamma ray image from NASA’s Fermi Space Telescope shows Moon glowing brighter than Sun.
Astronomers using data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope provide a rare glimpse of conditions on the surface of a rocky exoplanet orbiting a star beyond the Sun.
New computer model simulations on melting icebergs, show effect of delay Southern Hemisphere future warming.
Scientists find out that young Jupiter was smacked head-on by massive newborn planet.
There may be more genes in the collective human microbiome than stars in the observable universe.