Ancient Lake across the Sahara discovered
About 7,000 years ago, a vast lake spread hundreds of square kilometers across north-central Africa, the biggest lake on Earth today.
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About 7,000 years ago, a vast lake spread hundreds of square kilometers across north-central Africa, the biggest lake on Earth today.
Astronomers just captured the highest-resolution photo of the Sun ever taken.
Laffite X-Road the first all-terrain street-legal supercar that delivers immense power, exceptional performances, and a luxurious appeal, all in one package.
GalaXsea project, the first space solar sail boat concept, a place to go in mid-way from the Earth and the Stars.
An incredible number of 143 new Nazca Lines discovered in Peru, with the help of A.I. technology.
Quantum Stealth created a new material that camouflage soldiers, tanks, aircraft, by making anything behind it seem invisible.
To stop climate change and poverty over 20 countries started building the “Great Green Wall.”
The Bloodhound Land Speed Racing team obliterated its target of 450mph by recording a top speed of 461mph.
NASA’s X-59 QueSST Airplane takes shape at Lockheed Martin Skunk works.
Scientists confirm that dust from a giant asteroid crash, some 460 million years ago, caused an ancient ice age.