Hurricane Ida turned into a Monster
Hurricane Ida turned into a monster thanks to a giant warm patch in the Gulf of Mexico – here’s what happened.
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Hurricane Ida turned into a monster thanks to a giant warm patch in the Gulf of Mexico – here’s what happened.
Here, after initial cloudiness, the Sun appeared to rise in two pieces and during partial eclipse, causing the photographer to describe it as the most stunning sunrise
“An Earth in crisis is still an Earth worth returning to” – NASA astronaut Andrew R. Morgan. Happy Earth Day, readers.
Earth’s magnetic field flipped 42,000 years ago, creating dramatic consequences.
We might be able to detect an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, using its own atmospheric pollution, according to new NASA research.
The ozone hole over the Antarctic that was first spotted in 1985, is one of the largest of recent years.
Astronomers at MIT and elsewhere have discovered an Earth-sized exoplanet that zips around its star every 3.14 days.
In September 2020, historic wildfires on the U.S. West Coast lofted plumes of smoke high into the atmosphere.
Solar Cycle 25 has begun. NASA, NOAA scientists explain what that means.
An international effort by more than 60 ice, ocean, and atmosphere scientists has generated new estimates of how much of an impact Earth’s melting ice sheets, could