X-Plane’s Sonic Boom
NASA is a step closer to being able to visually capture the shock-waves of future Low Boom Flight Demonstration aircraft, or LBFD.
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NASA is a step closer to being able to visually capture the shock-waves of future Low Boom Flight Demonstration aircraft, or LBFD.
A laser-driven technique for creating fusion that leaves no toxic radioactive waste is now within reach.
A student satellite solved a 60-year-old major space mystery, regarding the source of some energetic and potentially damaging particles in Earth’s radiation belts.
Astronomers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO), revealed that a little-known exoplanet called K2-18b could well be a scaled-up version of Earth.
Scientists developed a new type of metallic glass, a class of materials made from complex alloys.
65 million years ago, a large asteroid collided with Earth near Chicxulub, Mexico. Take a look at NASA’s plan to save our planet from an asteroid collision…
Scientists created a hybrid compact device that uses solar energy to produce hydrogen and electricity.
Scientists developed manta ray robot, that swims fast and operates up to 10 hours.
Let’s forget aliens for a while, and have a look at objects in space that we can either see and have no idea what they are or
This is the deepest fish ever captured 8 kilometers beneath the sea surface.