The most recent discoveries in our universe.
The ‘clearest ever photo of the Sun’
This 230 megapixel image made up from 100,000 pictures, is the ‘clearest ever photo of the Sun.’
The most recent discoveries in our universe.
This 230 megapixel image made up from 100,000 pictures, is the ‘clearest ever photo of the Sun.’
A pair of orbiting black holes millions of times the Sun’s mass perform a hypnotic dance in this NASA visualization. The movie traces how the black holes
Enormous pieces of alien planet are buried inside Earth, after a gigantic crash, ‘millions of times larger than Mount Everest.’
Orbiting the nearby star Epsilon Eridani, located 10.5 light-years away, the Jupiter-mass planet in this artist’s concept, is the closest known exoplanet to our solar system.
Are there planets that resemble ours? Kepler-1649c is now the most similar exoplanet yet found to Earth.
Astronomers for the first time image magnetic fields at the edge of M87’s supermassive black hole.
Twelve years and 1,250 hours of exposure time spend Finnish photographer J-P Metsavainio to create this detailed project of the Milky Way.
A detailed long-term study using Mars Express, now reveals the secrets of the elongated cloud on the red planet.
Oldenburg physicists explore the possibility of microscopic wormholes in spacetime.
Organic materials essential for life are found for the first time, on the surface of an asteroid.