A Device that Produces Water out of thin air
GE researchers developing portable device that produces water out of thin air.
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GE researchers developing portable device that produces water out of thin air.
Astronomers for the first time image magnetic fields at the edge of M87’s supermassive black hole.
Scientists put all different face masks, that are used against Covid-19, under a microscope. These are the results.
A new study suggests that lightning created an essential element available to organisms in habitable environments, on Earth and elsewhere.
Early magma ocean identified in Greenland rocks, which tells of a time when Earth was almost entirely molten.
Scientists may have finally solved the ancient mystery of Antikythera Mechanism, the ‘first computer.’
NASA is using pi instrumental in developing the size of parachutes to land on the Red Planet, every day.
Scientists discovered a speed limit that applies in the quantum world, determining minimum time for complex operations.
Organic materials essential for life are found for the first time, on the surface of an asteroid.
Scientists have found the real reason of the dinosaurs extinction, in the asteroid dust inside the ancient impact crater.